Theme : Embracing IR4.0
Theme : Embracing IR4.0
Theme: Technology and Business
Theme: Technology and Business
Track 1 : Intelligent Manufacturing and Product Engineering
Track 1 : Intelligent Manufacturing and Product Engineering
Track 2: Engineering Innovation and Invention
Track 2: Engineering Innovation and Invention
Track 3: Emerging Technologies and Computing
Track 3: Emerging Technologies and Computing
Track 4: Digital Construction
Track 4: Digital Construction
Track 5: Digital Business And Entrepreneurship
Track 5: Digital Business And Entrepreneurship
Theme: Social Impact and Talent Development
Theme: Social Impact and Talent Development
Track 6: Social Business Innovation
Track 6: Social Business Innovation
Track 7: TVET Education
Track 7: TVET Education
Track 8: Engineering Education
Track 8: Engineering Education
Track 9: Health and Life Sciences
Track 9: Health and Life Sciences
Track 10: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Track 10: Traditional Chinese Medicine